which one of the following is not true when the economy is in macroeconomic equilibrium?

It is not true that we are always in macroeconomic equilibrium, but it is true that many times, we are in a recession.

Macroeconomics is the study of what happens when the economy is at equilibrium. Macroeconomics states that when the economy is at equilibrium (in terms of the supply and demand of goods and services) the price level (or the market price of a good or service) is the same all over the country and all over the world. So, if the economy is in equilibrium, everything will be priced exactly the same.

Macroeconomics is one of those things that sounds like it’s pretty obvious. But it’s not. We don’t know how much the economy is going to be in equilibrium. We don’t know the factors that cause it to be in equilibrium. For example, a recession is a time in the business cycle when the economy slows down, meaning that the supply of goods and services goes down and so does the demand for goods and services. The same thing is true of a depression.

Macroeconomics is all about the balance of supply and demand. If the economy is in equilibrium, then everything is priced exactly the same. If we have a depression, then things are priced differently. Macroeconomics is about how to avoid a recession or depression. If you want to avoid a recession or depression, then you should pay a lot of money for goods and services.

The two main ways in which macroeconomics is used is to make sure the economy is in equilibrium. This means that when we have a recession or depression, the economy is in equilibrium. This is because if the economy is in equilibrium, then we will not be in recession or depression. So, if you want a recession or depression, you should pay a lot of money for goods and services.

If you want to avoid a recession or depression, then you should pay a lot of money for goods and services. In the last decade or so, the world has been in a recession or depression. This is primarily because of the recession in the oil industry and the decline in the US dollar’s value. These two factors caused the US to run a deficit and the rest of the world to run a surplus, so the US became the world’s largest economy and therefore had the most money.

If you pay a lot of money for goods and services, then you have to pay a lot of money to get them to you. This doesn’t impact the overall national economy because the money you pay is always going to be spent somewhere else (and sometimes, when you have to pay a lot of money, you can’t spend it because you don’t have enough money).

Basically, if you can spend it, then you have more money. So the macroeconomics of the US is to spend money in a way that will make you more money. This is why the US has had a deficit and the rest of the world has had a surplus. But this does not have to mean the US will continue to be the worlds largest economy because it could change.

This is because the US has been the worlds largest economy for so long that the USs GDP is now $14 trillion per year, while the rest of the world’s GDP is only $3 trillion. Since the US has been the world’s largest economy for so long, there is a lot of money being “spent” in the US, but not as much money being “spent” in the rest of the world.

Macroeconomics is about the average level of economic activity in a country (the average level of economic activity in a nation). This is because when the economy is doing well, people spend more money than when it’s doing poorly. Macroeconomics is about how much money you spend in a country in a given year. A country’s macroeconomy is affected by its level of economic activity, and if it’s spending a lot of money, then that’s a good thing.