
You know, that’s the last thing I want to say. This is my personal mantra. But, I’d put it out there: It’s the most important part of the art of art. It’s where you play your music and your writing, and you draw pictures and play cards and you paint everything you want to paint, but it’s the most important part of painting.

It’s no secret that I dislike overstims. They’re usually a bad sign for game designers. The problem is that they’re also a bad sign for art. Overstims are the ultimate indicator that a game needs to be reframed in terms of what we think art is supposed to be. They’re the perfect example of a game that’s not for me.

In the art world, overstims are a great indicator that a game should be reframed in terms of what we think art is supposed to be. Theyre the perfect example of a game thats not for me.

In the art world, overstims are a great indicator that a game should be reframed in terms of what we think art is supposed to be. Theyre the perfect example of a game thats not for me.

Some games don’t have overstims. Others don. You can get your own way out of a game, but the main point is to be able to be creative, to be able to move beyond the basics. So, it’s better to understand a game as being something that you can actually do and try to make your games more interesting and enjoyable.