13 dpo

This is the most popular question I get asked by people I am friends with. My answer: 13 dpo is when you are wearing your pants right now.

It depends. If you are wearing a white shirt with a black belt, then it is 13 dpo, but if you are wearing a black shirt, then it is less than 13 dpo.

This is a bit of an oversimplification of the rule, but it is a rule. It goes, If you are wearing a black shirt and black pants, you are 13 dpo. If you are wearing a black shirt and a white pants, you are less than 13 dpo.

I think it is a little silly to talk about wearing your pants right now. It doesn’t mean you are going to die, but it doesn’t mean you’re safe from the death that awaits you.

Dpo is for “dead person”. We are talking about a person who is dead. If you are wearing a black shirt and black pants, you are dead dpo. If you are wearing a black shirt and a white pants, you are less than dpo.

According to the dictionary, dpo is, literally, dead person. So if you are wearing a black shirt and a white pants, you are dead dpo.

Dpo is an ominous phrase that can be used when someone dies with no identifiable cause of death. For example, in the movie “The Shining”, Jack Nicholson’s character dies of a massive heart attack. He is dead dpo.

For the uninitiated, dpo is a term that is often associated with the afterlife. However, it can also be used to describe any person who is alive with a brain in a body. In this case, dpo can mean a dead person. I tend to think of dpo as the opposite of dead, so when people use the term for an actual person, it usually refers to someone who has a functioning brain but is completely and totally gone.

The story behind the movie The Shining is that Jack is in a car accident and dies during the crash. The car’s occupants are all completely gone as well. It is presumed that he went to an afterlife where he could have been reincarnated as someone else, and was reincarnated as a car. When he died, the car’s occupants are apparently his brain and he is completely gone again. This is because they are completely gone, and have no brain, hence the term dpo.

Dpo is a concept that originated in the science fiction community in the early 70’s after the film Alien, wherein a spaceship containing a human brain and a robot brain was used to study the effects of brain death. After the death of one of the crew, they were able to study the other brain’s neural pathways. The scientist theorized that the brain could be re-created in another body, or just brought back to life to be studied.